We all have our little secrets, but I guess this one isn't a secret anymore!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

WOW I've been Tagged!

This is my first one! I'm a Tag Virgin. I was tagged by Karen here goes I am supposed to to list 7 things that are weird or different about ME ,of all people. Not very often I get asked that!

Numero Uno: I like to travel to places and spend more time watching people than visiting the sites.

Number Zwei: I have been married to the same guy for.... Oh My Gosh! ....almost 31 years! And dated for 8 years before that. You'd think I might not be surprised by him after all that time, but it ain't so.

Number TREE: Ok that is not really another language but I have the silliest granddaughter and I just like to revert.

Number Four: I LIKE to add up columns of numbers. Good thing, as that is what I do all day.

Number Five: I like to walk in the rain without an umbrella. Living on the West Coast feeds this addiction. I told you I have vices.

Number Zex; German 6 but I can't spell it, I just like to say it! That's weird.

Number 7: I have a silly sense of humour that really isn't noticeable to strangers.

I really have no one to tag as everyone has been tagged before, but I just wanted to participate. I am so new to SCS and blogging. I did want to draw your attention to my friend and digiscrapper Joan.
If you go to her blog you will find a link to her gallery at Digishoptalk. She is terrific!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all your "weird" things! Your Easter cards are fabulous!